Success Team
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[24.1] Ch.24 Tax Returns
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: Changes in corporate structure during the last five years
[24.4] Ch.24 Unpaid
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: A list of any unpaid taxes of any kind
[26.1] Ch.26 M&A Firm
Status: Completed
Description: Bob Davis, B2B CFO, recommended that Andy meet with 123 Company.
[26.2] Ch.26 Wealth Manager
Status: Completed
Description: Bob Davis, B2B CFO, recommended that Andy meet with XYZ Company
[8.3] Ch.8 Future Competitors
Status: Completed
Description: List new or future competitors of the company and a projection of the sales that competition might take from the Company
[8.12] Ch.8 DBA & AKA
Status: Completed
Description: List any DBA (doing business as), AKA (also known as) and any fictitious name filings for the past 10 years
[9.3] Ch.9 Directors
Status: Completed
Description: A list of the Board of Directors or Executive Committee. Describe any compensation, stock options, equity or future promised compensation of any kind
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[8.6] Ch.8 Agreement
Status: Past Due: Mar 1, 2024
Description: Any agreement related to voting, issuance of equity, registration rights, preemptive rights, rights of first refusal or option rights of the company and its subsidiaries.
[24.2] Ch.24 Tax Returns
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: Copies of all foreign, federal, state and local tax returns for the past three years (e.g., income, franchise, personal property, real estate, sales, use, payroll withholdings)
[24.3] Ch.24 Tax Notices
Status: No due date set
Description: Copies of any notices by foreign, federal, state or local authorities regarding taxes owed and/or issues related (e.g., income, franchise, personal property, real estate, sales, use, payroll withholdings)
[24.5] Ch.24 NOL, Deferral
Status: No due date set
Description: A list of net operating loss carry forwards and detail of any deferred tax liability
[13.14] Ch.13 Financial Trouble
Status: Completed
Description: Detail any key vendor or service provider who you feel or know is having financial difficulty.
[9.13] Ch.9 Hiring, Training
Status: Completed
Description: A copy of the hiring and training processes for all employees, including part-time employees
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[12.1] Ch.12 Sales
Status: Completed
Description: Sales by customer for the past three years
[9.10] Ch.9 Leave Policies
Status: Completed
Description: Detail any leave policies not in the employee manual (e.g., vacation, sick leave, Family & Medical Leave Act, holidays, jury, military leave, leave of absence).
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[8.18] Ch.8 Number
Status: Completed
Description: List the number of authorized and issued stock or owners interests
[13.1] Ch.13 Top 10
Status: Completed
Description: List the top 10 vendors and service providers during the last three years.
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[8.17] Ch.8 Minutes
Status: Past Due: Mar 1, 2024
Description: Minutes, resolutions and written consents of shareholders, directors and officers for the past five years.
[23.1] Ch.23 Plaintiff
Status: No due date set
Description: List all lawsuits filed by the company as the Plaintiff or Co-Plaintiff for the past five years, along with the results, the name and contact information of the company’s law firm. Include parties involved, subject matter and amounts claimed
[17.3] Ch.17 Related Parties
Status: No due date set
Description: List all related parties that have current and past transactions with the company (e.g., officers, directors, minority owners, immediate family members, affiliates, trusts, pensions and profit-sharing trusts)
[17.6] Ch.17 Troubled Relationship
Status: No due date set
Description: Describe any troubled relationship of any kind with a related party or minority owner and describe management’s desired result with this troubled relationship (e.g., purchase minority owner or family member interests, litigation, arbitration, negotiation)
[8.11] Ch.8 Articles, Bylaws
Status: Completed
Description: Articles or certificates of incorporation or organization including bylaws and operating agreements of the company and any subsidiary as originally filed.
[8.13] Ch.8 Name Changes
Status: Completed
Description: List the original name of the company and any name changes during the past 10 years
[8.19] Ch.8 Defendant
Status: Completed
Description: List all lawsuits filed against the company as a Defendant or Co-Defendant for the past five years, along with the results, the name and contact information of the company’s law firm. Include parties involved, subject matter and amounts claimed
[17.1] Ch.17 Minority Owners
Status: Completed
Description: List all minority owner names and the percentages owned of the Company
[17.2] Ch.17 Ownership
Status: Completed
Description: List any minority owner interested owned by the company in other entities or affiliates
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No tasks.
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[8.8] Ch.8 Buy-Sell
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: Copy of all buy-sell agreements and any owner agreements.
[12.2] Ch.12 Saturation
Status: Completed
Description: List all customers that make up 5% or more of annual sales for the past three years
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No tasks.
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[8.2] Ch.8 Stock, Owners
Status: Past Due: Jan 23, 2024
Description: Copy of the stock ledger and stock transfer certificates. List of all owners of the company
[19.7] Ch.19 Fixed Assets
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: A detailed list of fixed assets, including location and the depreciation policy. List all obsolete or damaged assets.
[9.7] Ch.9 Key People
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: Management compensation, bonuses, contracts, compensation equity or future promised compensation.
[10.6] Ch.10 Barriers
Status: No due date set
Description: Document the key barriers that are stopping the company from increasing sales (or gross profit) on its most profitable product or service lines
[9.5] Ch.9 Resumes
Status: Completed
Description: Current resumes of key management
[9.9] Ch.9 Employee Manual
Status: Completed
Description: A copy of the latest employee manual and personnel policy memos not contained in the manual.
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[9.6] Ch.9 Contract
Status: No due date set
Description: All employee contracts, commission plans, consulting agreements, confidentiality agreements and noncompetition agreements, including a written description of oral contracts or agreements (including part-time employees and consultants)
[22.1] Ch.22 Debt Schedule
Status: Past Due: Feb 24, 2024
Description: A schedule of outstanding debt of the company and any subsidiary or related party on any secured assets used by the company, including capitalized leases
[21.1] Ch.21 Audits
Status: Past Due: Feb 24, 2024
Description: Copies of all audits by Independent Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) for the past three years, including the auditor’s report
[21.2] Ch.21 Other Reports
Status: No due date set
Description: Copies of any reports of any kind from Independent CPAs for the past three years (Projections, Appraisals, etc.)
[19.1] Ch.19 Historical
Status: Past Due: Jan 21, 2024
Description: Balance Sheets, Income Statements and Statements of Cash Flow - past three years
[19.2] Ch.19 Current
Status: Past Due: Jan 22, 2024
Description: Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Cash Flow - most current
[19.3] Ch.19 Projections
Status: No due date set
Description: Projections of Income Statement and Balance Sheet for the next three years, including a detail of key assumptions and potential risks to the projections
[10.1] Ch.10 Sales, Cost & Gross Profit
Status: No due date set
Description: Detail the sales, cost of sales, gross profit and gross profit margin for each material individual product or service type for the past three years
[8.16] Ch.8 Rights
Status: Completed
Description: List the rights of each class of stock or owners interests
[19.12] Ch.19 Contingent Liabilities
Status: Completed
Description: List all contingent liabilities of the company (e.g., liabilities that may be incurred by an entity depending on the outcome of a future event such as litigation, regulatory change, negotiations)
[13.4] Ch.13 Foreign
Status: Completed
Description: List all vendors and service providers that are foreign companies. Include any past foreign currency transaction losses or gains
[9.2] Ch.9 Accruals
Status: Completed
Description: Detail of all accrued liabilities related to employees (e.g., vacation, sick leave)
[10.2] Ch.10 Future
Status: Completed
Description: Detail the sales, cost of sales, gross profit and gross profit margin for each material individual product or service type for the next three years
[10.5] Ch.10 Most Profitable
Status: Completed
Description: Identify the sales for product or services that are the most profitable for the company (i.e., gross profit or gross profit margin)
[8.21] Ch.8 Revenue Cycle
Status: Completed
Description: Narrative description of the full revenue from call to cash
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[9.12] Ch.9 Register
Status: No due date set
Description: The latest payroll register for all employees
[15.1] Ch.15 Website and Intranet
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: List all websites used and/or owned by the company. Include all URLs and the owner of the URLs. Include any intranet used by employees, customers or vendors. Detail of where this software is hosted
[15.2] Ch.15 Webmaster
Status: No due date set
Description: List the name and location of the webmaster and whether this is an employee or subcontractor relationship.
[15.3] Ch.15 DRP
Status: No due date set
Description: Describe the company’s Disaster Recovery Program (DRP) for all data and software
[15.4] Ch.15 SEO
Status: Past Due: Mar 30, 2024
Description: List keywords and meta tags and processes used for all Search Engine Optimization
[8.10] Ch.8 Options
Status: Completed
Description: A schedule of all options, warrants, rights and any other potentially dilutive securities with exercise prices and vesting options
[8.20] Ch.8 Hardware for Expansion
Status: Completed
Description: Describe hardware planned for expansion to new site (put on hold during due diligence)
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[21.6] Ch.21 Names & Addresses
Status: No due date set
Description: Names and addresses of all parties that have performed any external financial statement engagements for the company for the past five years
[8.15] Ch.8 Names
Status: Past Due: Mar 1, 2024
Description: A schedule of the names and resumes of the current officers, directors and other key employees of the company.
[24.6] Ch.24 Preparers
Status: No due date set
Description: The name and contact information for the company’s tax preparers for the past three years (e.g., income, franchise, personal property, real estate, sales, use, payroll withholdings)
[24.7] Ch.24 Licenses, Exemptions
Status: No due date set
Description: Copies of sales and other tax licenses and any tax exemption certificates
[8.22] Ch.8 Contracts
Status: Completed
Description: Contract words and lorem ipsum.
[21.4] Ch.21 Engagement Letters
Status: Completed
Description: Copies of all Engagement Letters from Independent CPAs for the past five years
[8.9] Ch.8 Structure
Status: Completed
Description: A diagram of the organizational structure of the company and any subsidiaries or affiliates, including percentage ownership of voting securities of any subsidiaries
[8.14] Ch.8 Locations
Status: Completed
Description: List all locations the company has operated in during the past 10 years
[9.8] Ch.9 Compliance
Status: Completed
Description: A schedule indicating satisfaction of citizenship requirements, workers compensation claims for the past two years
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[8.5] Ch.8 Key Basis
Status: Past Due: Feb 24, 2024
Description: Explain the key basis of the competition (e.g., price, service, technology, quality, distribution, location).
[11.2] Ch.11 Your Advantage
Status: No due date set
Description: Describe any advantages the company has over the competition (e.g., software, technology, people, patents, trademarks, location, brand name, price advantages, customer loyalty, royalty agreements, significant contracts, foreign associations, financial resources, joint venture or partnership, covenants not to compete, labor agreements, licenses)
[12.6] Ch.12 Discounts, Pricing
Status: No due date set
Description: List material discounts, markdowns or pricing special arrangements with key customers
[11.1] Ch.11 Current Competitors
Status: Completed
Description: List the top competitors to the company and the approximate percentage of the market owned by them and the Company
[8.4] Ch.8 Foreign
Status: Completed
Description: List of foreign countries in which the company and its subsidiaries are authorized or registered to do business
[13.5] Ch.13 Declines
Status: Completed
Description: Describe any vendor and service provider who has refused to do business with the company
[13.8] Ch.13 Warranties
Status: Completed
Description: List all product or service warranties and guarantees made to the company by key vendors and service providers
[9.1] Ch.9 Organization
Status: Completed
Description: Management organization chart.
[9.11] Ch.9 Benefits & Policies
Status: Completed
Description: Describe any benefits (e.g., health insurance, retirement plans, workers compensation, disability) and any policies (e.g., sexual harassment, termination, COBRA) not listed in the employee manual.
[10.3] Ch.10 Variances
Status: Completed
Description: Explain any key variance in sales, cost of sales, gross profit and gross profit margin for the past three years
[10.4] Ch.10 Future Variances
Status: Completed
Description: Explain any key variance in sales, cost of sales, gross profit and gross profit margin for the next three years